
SAT is the Sanskrit prefix to words such as Sattvic or Satya, meaning
Truth - Balance - Purity - Goodness - Pure Essence - Virtue
TRA is the Sanskrit postfix to words such as Mantra or Yantra, meaning
Path - Channel - Journey - Thread - Platform - Vehicle
SATTRA is defined as....
Your Path of Truth

I know life can be better than it is now but I'm not quite sure how to find it.

I'm sick of making excuses for all my bad decisions, I don't want to be ignorant anymore. I start to see the world so much clearer - I can see exactly where I've been going wrong all this time.

Without the stress & anxiety I can express myself creatively & freely. It feels great to relieve unwanted beliefs & thought patterns that have held me back for such a long time.

A clearer mind & spirit now gives me total clarity to see MY TRUTH & slowly the purpose of my life starts to unveil itself.

I move with awareness & align my actions, speech and thoughts with my values & life's purpose.

I live life from an elevated perspective, I feel creative, alive & open to learn & grow more.
This is my path of truth... what does your journey look like...?
Nav Kumari
Director, Founder &
International Wellness Consultant
Mother of three, with a 16-year career background in branding, Nav is a certified Yoga Teacher and she has been practicing yoga since 2008.
“The more I practice, the more I'm united with myself and the world around me. It’s my journey of learning, staying true to myself, trusting my instincts and leading with absolute authenticity. Having lived and practiced yoga in London, Geneva, Singapore and Hong Kong, I love to share this experience with others, so they too can discover their true nature. This love led to the inception of SATTRA.”

It is every person's human right to access great wellbeing
Yoga reminds us that everything is connected so we must live, act, dance and breathe with awareness. If the journey is the ultimate reward then let's choose to enjoy the ride.
We are a gathering of well-wishers, who thrive on feeding the imagination by remaining mindfully connected. We gain nourishment from nature, inspiration from deep souls and flourish in sacred spaces. Our deeply rooted yoga asana and meditation practices are expressed in a fresh and youthful approach as we listen with an open heart, to stay CONNECTED to what the world really needs. Lean, light and lifted, we are always in the flow.
Keeping it real - not everyone knows what a dosha, bandha or dhristi is.
Sometimes they really don’t care. What they want is an experience that opens their eyes to something that helps them understand themselves better, to reach their fitness or spiritual goals. That doesn’t mean we don’t use traditional Vedic philosophy, we just make sure we apply any ancient term with a foundation of deep insights and express it relevant ways.
Remaining composed and confident to gently peel back the layers of stress and lifes' challenges, to reveal theTRUE YOU. We practice yoga asana and mindful meditation to stay grounded to reality for optimal wellbeing. That's why SATTRA is Your Path of Truth.

Feed Our Home
Every time you come to your mat with SATTRA, we will plant
one tree on your behalf. Trees are so important for our earth to stay healthy and nourished, just as alignment to our values and actions is important for our wellbeing.
This is why we proudly work in collaboration with One Tree Planted.

On your Path of Truth ....
... you remain curious, you know there's something bigger to unfold in life yet you're on a journey (inward) using yoga & mindful living to find it.
You might not always be clear about where to look, but you have faith that it exists and you know the truth will inevitably reveal itself.